Monday, February 23, 2015

Artist: Chuck Anderson

Chuck Anderson describes himself as an artist, designer and photographer. His work primarily falls under graphic design, but he does much more than that. He is best know for surreal art, or creating something that does not appear naturally. To create most of his work, Anderson takes photos and then edits them in Photoshop.

For his personal work, he draws inspiration from his home in the suburbs of Chicago. He believes that inspiration and creativity can come from any place, and that you do not have to live in Ne York or LA to create amazing art. He takes photos of the spaces around him and makes them more complex in Photoshop. He aims to make plain photos into vibrant and stimulating pieces. He often works with architecture and landscape in addition to photographing objects inside.

He has done work for clients such as Microsoft, Nike, Warner Bros, Reebok, Target, Under Armour and ESPN, as well as non-profits such as Invisible Children Charity:Water.

He started working as a freelance artist immediately after high school and encourages people to take their own path and do what is right for them. He encourages people to embrace their creativity and to create art like he does, with an iPhone and a computer.

He has a series of videos on Skillshare and his own company entitled NoPattern.

Chuck Anderson's work is very inspiring and I wish I had seen it before I completed Project 1. I like how he starts off with a basic image and makes something exciting from it. He manipulates objects in a way that retains their structure but also creates something new. Since he primarily uses his iPhone and Photoshop it would be easy to learn some of his techniques and apply them to our projects.

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